Our Sow and Starter Pak is designed to be fed alongside GroLean Concentrate, GroLean Premix, and GroLean DDG Premix for those with access to corn, soybean meal, and/or DDGs who want to mix their own complete feed. See the directions for inclusion and mixing information.
Payback® Sow and Starter Pak
Breeding herd feeds
For gilts, sows and adult boars.
Not all products are available at all locations.
Check with the store for availability.
Check with the store for availability.
Product details
Guaranteed analysis
Calcium not less than 12.5% Calcium not more than 15.0% Phosphorus not less than 9.4% Salt not less than 7.0% Salt not more than 8.0% Copper not less than 170 ppm Iron not less than 3,000 ppm Zinc not less than 1,600 ppm Vitamin A not less than 75,000 IU/lb Vitamin D not less than 7,500 IU/lb Vitamin E not less than 900 IU/lb Biotin not less than 5 mg/lb Vitamin B12 not less than 0.5 mg/lb Choline not less than 12,500 mg/lb Folic Acid not less than 38 mg/lb Vitamin K not less than 50 mb/lb Niacin not less than 550 mg/lb Pantothenic Acid not less than 250 mg/lb
Feeding instructions
Sow and Starter Pak is designed to be mixed into Grolean Concentrate, Grolean Premix, and Grolean DDG Premix rations to manufacture Complete Breeder (a 15.5% protein and 0.9% lysine product). Do not feed Sow and Starter Pak undiluted.
CornCorn and soybean meal1,450 lbs corn
460 lbs Soybean meal (Hi Pro)
50 lbs Grolean Premix
+ 40 lbs Sow and Starter Pak
2,000 lbs swine feed
Corn, soybean meal and DDG1,130 lbs corn
380 lbs Soybean meal (Hi Pro)
400 lbs Dried Distillers Grains (DDG)
50 lbs Grolean DDG Premix
+ 40 lbs Sow and Starter Pak
2,000 lbs swine feed
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