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Payback® swine feeds are scientifically formulated to maximize health, fertility and lean pork production.

Payback® swine feeds are scientifically formulated to maximize health, fertility and lean pork production.

What are you looking for?

Complete starters and finishers
Feed your hog from start to finish with a series of step up products designed to generate optimal growth and performance.
Man hand-feeding a drove of pigs
Concentrates and premixes
Mix with whole ingredients to create a ration balanced for growth and performance.
Breeding sounder feeds
Provide your breeding sounders a product formulated to support reproductive health and performance.
Showing pig at fair
Hog show feeds
Formulated to meet all your show hogs needs, assist with muscle development, and support gut health.
Organic swine
A multipurpose organic pellet balanced to support your hog’s nutritional demands and overall wellbeing.
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Not all products are available at all locations.
Check with the store for availability.